📄️ IPC - Exercise 1
Set up a shared memory for communication between a parent and a child process.
📄️ IPC - Exercise 2
Enhance the previous program and implement a basic chat-like interaction using shared memory between a parent and a child process.
📄️ IPC - Exercise 3
The parent process writes an array of integers to shared memory. The child process reads the array, processes each integer (e.g., doubles it), and writes the modified array back.
📄️ Threads - Exercise 4
Write a multithreaded program that calculates various statistical values for a list of numbers. This program will be passed a series of numbers on the command line and will then create three separate worker threads.
📄️ Threads - Exercise 5
Write a multithreaded program that takes a matrix and multiplies each element in every row with a given scalar.
📄️ Threads - Exercise 6
Write a multithreaded program that outputs prime numbers.
📄️ Threads - Exercise 7
The Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8....